Two out of three ain't bad

Sunday morning. Setting here with a Captain America movie on, reflecting on my comedy weekend.
Thursday night I went to Chillicothe to The Dock at Water's monthly open mic hosted by my comedy mama, Miss Lori Graves. Full house as always. My pal Tobbi went with. She's a good friend and huge supporter.  Got to see my pals, Tyler Stewart, Bruce Leonard Michael Moore, Blair Harsha, Justin Wood, Ian Zanni, Tazz Pauley and Dante Piccolo. The other names escape me and I apologize for missing you. Huge crowd and a little bit talkative as bar crowds tend to be. I had an "ok" not a great set. Tried a new bit that got nothing. Back to the drawing board on that one. I give that set a C.

Friday night I went to Court Street Grill in Chillicothe for a show that I produced. This was a booked show. If you get to Pomeroy Ohio, go to the Court Street for a great atmosphere and incredible food! The bar was pretty packed for our show. There were 5 comedians on the show, and I was slated to feature with Ian Nolte headlining. The first 2 comedians had a really tough audience and were unable to get them calmed down. The third performer, Angie Davis from WV came onstage and immediately regulated the talkers about ad perfectly as I have ever seen. She had a better time then the first two. I went onstage and did really well. No new bits, but the ones I did, really landed well. I did a longer set than I normally do, 20 minutes. I was very pleased with my set and give it an A.

Saturday night I went to my Steady Saturday night gig, The Hotel Lafayette in Marietta. This is the third week in a row that we have sold out the room. 140+ people in the audience. I host/emcee their comedy show every week and get to work with nationally touring comics. Last night we had a Headliner from Louisville, Ky. named Mark Klein. Very nice, funny man. It was my first time meeting him. The feature was a friend of mine named Tony Wendland from Cincinnati. I was excited to see him and get feedback on my set because he has been there since the beginning and would be able to see any progress I had made. I had a great set and as I introduced him to come on stage, he grabbed me and hugged me and told me I had a great set and thanked me for setting him up. " I can't fail now" he said. It felt good. I give that set a B+/A-

I will try to update this blog regularly and give you a glimpse into my attempt to chase a dream.